Peer-reviewed Publications
(you can also see them on my Google Scholar citation page)
(updating needed) Dunn, RR, J Urban, D Cavelier, CB Cooper. 2015. The tragedy of the unexamined cat: Why K-12 and university education are still in the dark ages and how citizen science allows for a renaissance. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. In press. Larson LR, CB Cooper, M Hauber. 2015. Emotions as drivers of wildlife management: citizen scientists’ response to invasive house sparrows. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. PDF Swaddle JP, CD Francis, JR Barber, CB Cooper, CCM Kyba, DM Dominoni, G Shannon, E Aschehoug, SE Goodwin, AY Kawahara, D Luther, K Spoelstra, M Voss, and T Longcore. 2015. A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:550-560. Larson LR, R Stedman, CB Cooper, and D Decker. 2015. Understanding the dimensions of conservation behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology 43:112-124. Cooper CB, LR Larson, A Dayer, R Stedman, and D Decker. 2015. Are wildlife recreationists conservationists? Linking hunters, birdwatchers, and pro-environmental behaviors. J Wildlife Management 79:446-457. Cooper CB and D Leech. 2015. Citizen science studies of avian reproduction. Chapter in Nest & Eggs (eds C Deeming & J Reynolds), Oxford University Press. Smith, J, CB Cooper, and J Reynolds. 2015. Advances in the study of incubation. Chapter in Nest & Eggs (eds C Deeming & J Reynolds), Oxford University Press. Cooper, CB. and BV Lewenstein. 2015. Why citizen science matters. Chapter in Citizen Science Primer (ed D Cavalier), Arizona State University Press. Cooper CB, LR Larson, A Dayer, R Stedman, and D Decker. 2015. Are wildlife recreationists conservationists? Linking hunters, birdwatchers, and pro-environmental behaviors. J Wildlife Management in press. Cooper CB, J Shirk, and B Zuckerberg. 2014. The invisible prevalence of citizen science in global climate change research. PLoSONE Ospina, EA, CB Cooper, M Liljesthrom, DR Ardia, and DW Winkler. 2014. Biparental nest attendance in Chilean Swallows (Tachycineta meyeni) breeding in Ushuaia, Argentina. Emu. In press. Crain R, Cooper CB, JL Dickinson. 2014. Citizen Science: a tool at the interface of human and natural systems. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. In press. Hille SM and CB Cooper. 2014. Elevational trends in life histories: revising the pace-of-life framework. Biological Reviews. In press. Hecht J and CB Cooper. 2014. Perspectives on 50 years of Tinbergen: Public engagement in ethology. Ethology. In press. Sullivan BL, JL Aycrigg, JH Barry, RE Bonney, N Bruns, CB Cooper, T Damoulas, AA Dhondt, T Dietterich, A Farnsworth, D Fink, JW Fitzpatrick, T Fredericks, J Gerbracht, C Gomes, WM Hochachka, MJ Illiff, C Lagoze, FA La Sorte, M Merrifield, W Morris, TB Phillips, M Reynolds, AD Rodewald, KV Rosenberg, NM Trautmann, A Wiggins, DW Winkler, W Wong, CL Wood, J Yu, and S Kelling. 2014. The eBird enterprise: an integrated approach to development and application of citizen science. Biological Conservation. In press Cooper CB. 2013. Is there weekend bias in clutch-initiation dates from citizen science: Implications for studies of avian breeding phenology. International Journal of Biometeorology. In press. Cooper CB and MV Voss. 2013. Incubation Patterns Reflect Temporal Changes in Developing Clutches. PLoS ONE 8(6):e65521. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065521 Cooper, C. B. and A. Balakrishnan. 2013. Citizen Science perspectives on e-participation in urban planning. Contributed chapter to Citizen e-participation in Urban Governance. IGI Press. Voss MV and CB Cooper. 2013. Commentary: Solar noon and tactile cues synergistically regulate clutch size: a new approach to investigations of avian life-history theory. Ibis 155:709-713. Cooper CB, WM Hochachka, and AA Dhondt. 2012. The opportunities and challenges of Citizen Science as a tool for ecological research in Citizen Science: Public Collaboration in Environmental Research (J. L. Dickinson, and R. Bonney, Eds.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. Stager, M., E. Lopresti, F.A. Pratalungo, D. R. Ardia, D. Caceres, C. B. Cooper, E. Iñigo-Elias, J. Molina, N. Taylor, and D. W. Winkler. 2012. Reproductive biology of a narrowly endemic swallow, Tachycineta stolzmanni, in dry, seasonal forest in coastal Peru. Ornithologica Tropica 23:95-112. Bonter, D.N. and C.B. Cooper. 2012 A process for improving data quality and a strategy for ensuring sustainability in a citizen science project. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10:305-307. link Cooper, C.B., K. A. Loyd, T. Murrante, M. S. Savoca, and J. Dickinson. 2012. Natural history traits associated with detecting mortality with residential bird communities: can citizen science provide insights? Environmental Management: online first - DOI 10.1007/s00267-012-9866-x. Liljesthrom, M, C. B. Cooper, and J. Reboreda. 2012. Clutch investment decreases with time of breeding and female condition in the Chilean Swallow, Tachycineta meyeni. Condor 114:377-384. Dor, R., C. B. Cooper, I. J. Lovette, and D. W. Winkler. 2012. Clock gene variation in Tachycineta Swallows: is there an association with latitude or breeding phenology? Ecology & Evolution 2:95-105. Cooper, C.B., W. M. Hochachka, and A. A. Dhondt. 2012. The opportunities and challenges of Citizen Science as a tool for ecological research in Citizen Science: Public Collaboration in Environmental Research (J. L. Dickinson, and R. Bonney, Eds.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. Dor, R, IJ Lovette, RJ Safran, SM Billerman, GH Huber, Y Vortman, A Lotem, A McGowan, MR Evans, CB Cooper, DW Winkler. 2011. Low variation in the polymorphic Clock gene poly-Q region across multiple populations of Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). PLoS One 6(12):e28843. Cooper, C. B., M. A. Voss, D. R. Ardia, W. D. Robinson, and S. H. Austin. 2011. Light increases the rate of embryonic development: implications for latitudinal trends in incubation period. Functional Ecology 25:769-776. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01847.x Cooper, C. B. 2011. Media Literacy as a Key Strategy toward Improving Public Acceptance of Climate Change Science. BioScience 61: 231-237. doi:10.1525/bio.2011.61.3.8 Cooper, C. B. and J. Smith. 2010. Gender patterns in bird-related recreation in the USA and UK. Ecology and Society 15(4):4. link Voss, M. A. and C. B. Cooper. 2010. Using a free on-line Citizen Science project to teach observation and quantification of animal behavior. American Biology Teacher 72:437-443. doi: 10.1525/abt.2010.72.7.9 Lambrechts, M. M, F. Adriaensen, D. R. Ardia, A. V. Artemyev, F. Atiénzar, J. Bańbura, E. Barba, J. Bouvier, J. Canorodon, C. B. Cooper, R. D. Dawson, M. Eens, T. Eeva, B. Faivre, L. Z. Garamszegi, A. E. Goodenough, A. G. Gosler, A. Grégoire, S. C. Griffith, L. Gustafsson, L. S. Johnson, W. Kania, O. Keišs, P. E. Llambias, M. C. Mainwaring, R. Mänd, B. Massa, T. D. Mazgajski, A. P. Møller, J. Moreno, B. Naef-Daenzer, J. Nilsson, A. C. Norte, M. Orell, K. A. Otter, C. R. Park, C. M. Perrins, J. Pinowski, J. Porkert, J. Potti, V. Remes, H. Richner, S. Rytkönen, M. Shiao, B. Silverin, T. Slagsvold, H.G. Smith, A. Sorace, M. J. Stenning, I. Stewart, C. F. Thompson, P. Tryjanowski, J. Török, A. J. van Noordwijk, D. W. Winkler, and N. Ziane. 2010. The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases. Acta Ornithologica 45:(1-26). DOI 10.3161/000164510X516047 Cooper, C. B., M. A. Voss, and B. Zivkovic. 2009. Extended laying interval of ultimate eggs in Eastern Bluebirds. Condor 111:752-755. Bonney, R., C. B. Cooper, J. Dickinson, S. Kelling, T. Phillips, K. Rosenberg, and J. Shirk. 2009. Citizen Science: A new paradigm for increasing science knowledge and scientific literacy. BioScience 59:977-984. Ford, H. A., J. R. Walters, C. B. Cooper, S. J. S. Debus, and V. A. J. Doerr. 2009. Extinction debt or habitat change? Ongoing losses of woodland birds in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Biological Conservation 142:3182-3190. Cooper, C.B. Susan J. Daniels, and Jeffrey R. Walters. 2008. Can we improve estimates of juvenile dispersal distance and survival? Ecology 89:3349-3361. Cooper, C. B., J. L. Dickinson, T. Phillips and R. Bonney 2008. Science Explicitly for Nonscientists. Ecology and Society 13 (2): r1. link Cooper, C.B. and D. Bonter. 2008. Artificial nest site preferences of Black-capped Chickadees. Journal of Field Ornithology 79:193-197. Cooper CB, J. Dickinson, T. Phillips, and R. Bonney. 2007. Citizen Science as a Tool for Conservation in Residential Ecosystems. Ecology and Society 12(2):11. link Cooper, CB, WM Hochachka, AA Dhondt. 2007. Contrasting natural experiments confirm competition between house finches and house sparrows. Ecology 88: 864-870. Ardia, D., C. B. Cooper, and A. A. Dhondt. 2006. Warm temperatures lead to early onset of incubation, shorter incubation periods and greater hatching asynchrony in tree swallows at the extremes of their range. Journal of Avian Biology 37:137-142. Cooper, C. B., W. Hochachka, T. B. Phillips. A. A. Dhondt. 2006. Geographic and seasonal gradients in hatching failure in eastern bluebirds reinforce clutch size trends. Ibis 148:221-230. Allen, P. E. and C. B. Cooper. 2006. La Ciencia ciudadana como herramienta para el monitoreo de la biodiversidad [Citizen Science as a Tool for Biodiversity Monitoring]. Page 17-32 in Especies, espacios y riesgos. Pisanty, I. and M. Caso (editors). First North American Workshop on Capacity Building for Biodiversity Conservation: Monitoring Species, Spaces and Common Threats. Instituto Nacional de Ecologa: Semarnat, Mexico, DF. Cooper, C. B. and H. Mills. 2005. Software to quantify incubation behavior from time series recordings. Journal of Field Ornithology 76:352-356. Cooper, C. B., W. Hochachka, G. Butcher, and A. A. Dhondt. 2005. Egg viability as a constraint on seasonal and latitudinal trends in clutch size. Ecology 86:2018-2031. Cooper, C. B., W. M. Hochachka, and A. A. Dhondt. 2005. Latitudinal trends in within-year reoccupation of nest boxes and their implications. Journal of Avian Biology 36:31-39. Waters, J. R., C. B. Cooper, S. J. Daniels, G. Pasinelli, and K. Schiegg. 2004. Conservation biology, Pages 197-209 in Ecology and Evolution of Cooperative Breeding Birds (ed. W. D. Koenig and J. Dickenson), Cambridge University Press. Cooper, C. B., J. Priddy, and J. R. Walters. 2002. Landscape patterns and dispersal success: simulated population dynamics in the Brown Treecreeper. Ecological Applications 12:1576-1587. Cooper, C. B. and J. R. Walters. 2002. Experimental evidence of disrupted dispesal causing decline of an Australian passerine in fragmented habitat. Conservation Biology 16:471-478. Cooper, C. B. and J. R. Walters. 2002. Independent Effects of Woodland Loss and Fragmentation on Brown Treecreeper Distribution. Biological Conservation 105:1-10. Cooper, C. B., J. R. Walters, H. A. Ford. 2002. Effects of remnant size and connectivity on the response of Brown Treecreepers to habitat fragmentation. Emu 102:249-256. Cooper, C. B. 2002. Movements of experimentally displaced Brown Treecreepers, Climacteris picumnus, in a variegated landscape. Corella 26:110-113. Walters, J. R., H. A. Ford, and C. B. Cooper. 1999. Ecological basis of Brown Treecreeper sensitivity to habitat fragmentation: a preliminary assessment. Biological Conservation 90:13-20. Cooper, C. B. and S. H. Anderson. 1996. Use of constructed wetlands by dabbling ducks on the National Elk Refuge, WY. Wetlands 16: 557-563. |