I'm the founder and moderator of Twitter Q&A sessions about citizen science, sponsored by the awesome SciStarter! The Twitter conversations take place at designated times under the hashtag #CitSciChat. Each #CitiSciChat session brings citizen scientists, project managers, and scientists together to share ideas, knowledge, and resources. We discuss ideas, hot topics, new discoveries, papers, and projects.
You are invited to join the lively conversations of #CitSciChat by following the hashtag, and follow me @CoopSciScoop. The chats started in January 2015, initially taking place the last Wednesday of every month. With over 200 people around the world engaged in most sessions, we've increased their frequency to every other Wednesday, when possible. See the schedule of themes below.
To involve people across the globe, chats take place on Wednesdays from 7-8pm in London, which is usually 2-3pm ET in USA and Thursday early morning in New Zealand, and sometimes before dawn in Australia. If you are not a Twitter user, you can follow along here:
I'm the founder and moderator of Twitter Q&A sessions about citizen science, sponsored by the awesome SciStarter! The Twitter conversations take place at designated times under the hashtag #CitSciChat. Each #CitiSciChat session brings citizen scientists, project managers, and scientists together to share ideas, knowledge, and resources. We discuss ideas, hot topics, new discoveries, papers, and projects.
You are invited to join the lively conversations of #CitSciChat by following the hashtag, and follow me @CoopSciScoop. The chats started in January 2015, initially taking place the last Wednesday of every month. With over 200 people around the world engaged in most sessions, we've increased their frequency to every other Wednesday, when possible. See the schedule of themes below.
To involve people across the globe, chats take place on Wednesdays from 7-8pm in London, which is usually 2-3pm ET in USA and Thursday early morning in New Zealand, and sometimes before dawn in Australia. If you are not a Twitter user, you can follow along here:
#CitSciChat Schedule
Nov 11 - Human Health Oct 28 - Environmental Monitoring**4:00pmET Oct 7 - Federal Tool Kit on Citizen Science Sept 23 - Apps Sept 9 - Back-to-school **at 3:30pm ET Aug 26 - Dogs! Aug 5 - Herps July 8 - Shark Week June 24 - Oceans May 27 - Bugs April 29 - Trees for Arbor Day March 25 - Spring phenology Feb 25 - Gamification Jan 28 - Building a community of practice Find details about upcoming chats and read archived chats ----> MORE |